Using a credit card for transaction on the internet come to the attention of all parties concerned, especially for the security matter. Banks, merchants, law enforcement, or customer who shop using a credit card are the parties who concerned. Many credit card data theft that occurred due to the transaction that is not secure and transparent, so that many credit card owners who their data suddenly used by others without permission. This resulted in the reduction in transaction online with a credit card. Online business development are also disrupted.
Development of the online transaction security growing. Merchant must provide high protection for credit card customer data. Currently, each merchant transmit, process and store credit card information must be PCI compliant. To meet the PCI standard, the safe and easy way is to use remotely store credit card data service in Braintree's Vault. This option was taken because the merchant does not need to be achieving and maintaining complicated internal compliance. In addition, with Braintree's Vault, the PCI standard continually evolving in different days. If a merchant uses the option to store the sensitive data internally, it will be costly, time intensive and still ongoing risk present.
Braintree's Vault credit card tokenization is a credit card tokenization service directly from the merchant's website using Braintree's transparent redirecting method. With services Braintree Payment Solutions, transactions on the Internet become more secure without reducing function of credit card itself. If you want to know more about the service from he Braintree tokenization, you may to contact their credit card tokenization specialist now. Simply visit their official website and be safe to be credit card holders in the Internet.
July 31, 2009
[8:01 AM
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