Wayoi.Com - Recently I've seen the mobile product in the Google ads. I do not know whether this latest product from Nokia that makes Nokia needs to advertise it. Frankly I've never seen ads on Nokia at Google ads space. Now, Nokia ads so became my attention. It curious me so much.
When creating this post, I try to remember the it series because I forgot. I was looking in google, but the ad did not come up again. For some reason I became intrigued with the Nokia's advertising. One thing I remember, there is a statement that the it series has a battery with long lasting power.
I also forgot to notice whether it is the official ad from Nokia or ads from resellers. I just one to know about the features and what is the special of series. When I try to open the site, blog or forum that is used to display ads, no ads are appearing Nokia. Only Vertu product advertising that appears. Vertu, a sophisticated gadget and exclusive mobile phone.
August 31, 2009
[8:25 PM
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