Wayoi.Com - The bad news blows from Facebook for all its members who use their account on Facebook for commercial promotion. Facebook is currently planning to revise the Terms of Reference relating to the use of status updates feature, Facebook will prohibit the user to take advantage of that feature with a link campaign commercial promotion. Commercial promotion usually contains a message that contains a link to sell products or services, either directly or indirectly. Advertising in Facebook and related social networking sites also known as social ads.
This is very bad news for all users who had already earned dollars from his fans on Facebook. If this prohibition applies, then the opportunity to monetize a Facebook account will be closed. The programs which have been using Facebook users to display ads, of course also be lost the advantage if Facebook as the largest social networking sites enforce the new rules.
This news could be a reality and may not, depending on Facebook own considerations and external influences that can push them. So far I do not know the reason Facebook designing this plan. But as you know, I know this news from a particular newspaper that discuss computer and the internet. Next, please read my older article entitled Cheap Car Insurance For Women that also related to Cheap Car Rentals.
September 05, 2009
[2:01 PM
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