Wayoi.Com - Good friend is a friend who always gave support to his friend in the positive, always maintain good relations when and wherever they are and can accept a sincere friend. A friendship that will always miss those times together, in hard and happy.
Around us there are just a group of people that make a society or community, but only think about their interests only. They are located in that community but just to get a pride just because it has been a member of the community. Not only that, they sometimes come together just for fun without thinking of the grief felt by their members. Obviously it's not a good friendship to be exemplary.
But there's also a sincere friend in establishing friendship. A friend who is aware of his friend, not only in love but also in sadness. A friend who always helps when friends need help. They establish a friendship is not only for today only, but they make friends for today, tomorrow, after tomorrow, and forever. This is a new friendship that deserve our example.
Especially when friendships interrupted by something that can make their friendship destroyed, they become stronger in a live issue. In the split rose one can also understand where people are genuinely friendly and which are not. It is sincere it's hard to find a best friend but try to be sincere in their friendships itself
July 26, 2010
[9:32 PM
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