Wayoi.Com -Noni fruit has many khsaksiat. However, many people who do not know the benefits of fruits menkudu. Usually after a fruitful and ripe, the fruit of Morinda citrifolia are always allowed to fall from the tree and then rot in the ground. But did you know that Noni has many benefits for health.
Savor the first of the noni fruit is to treat calves feet dry and scaly. Getting treatment for patients with leg calf dry and scaly is by applying a ripe noni fruit on the surface of the feet are dry and scaly. Once polished evenly, leave for approximately 15 minutes. Having felt sticky and dried, wash the feet which had been polished with warm water.
Noni fruit can also be used by people with high blood. If one of your family or relatives of people with high blood pressure, you can try a treatment with noni fruit. How treatment is, the fruit that has been steamed or cooked and then extorted to be taken more or less half a glass of water. After the juice is filtered, have a drink when the morning after waking and is recommended before eating anything. Perform these activities over and over again for one week.
Other efficacy of noni fruit flavor can also treat itching in the throat, hoarse, or husky and also cough. Noni fruit sprinkled with salt that has been cooked and then eaten by the patient. In a short time the patient will feel the benefits of the noni fruit and itching, cough, and hoarse lost slowly.
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