Music Charts Program in Indonesia ~ Wayoi! - Because We Are Interested
Wayoi! - Because We Are Interested: Music Charts Program in Indonesia

August 01, 2011

Music Charts Program in Indonesia
Wayoi.Com - In addition to comedy programs in Indonesia, other programs are also vying to attract the attention of viewers is a program in the country charts. Programs that entertain swathe through music and rows of the songs in this country receive much appreciation, especially among young viewers. The main attraction in this program is the presence of a presenter who can make a fun and festive event. Here are the charts and presenters program that stole the attention of viewers in the studio and at home.

The program charts or music that is most loved by teens is MTV-IMPACT. In this program, loyal audience often called "anak nongkrong" is very familiar for the teens in Indonesia. Programs that adopt overseas events with the same program name has long been in the music industry across Indonesia. MTV VJ IMPACT is presented by the results of a talent show emcee in Indonesia. The VJ is a presenter of the program is Daniel, Rianti, Ben, Hanna, Mike, Marissa, VJ Risky and many others. The VJ is often performed together with the style and action silly and always entertaining the kids hanging in Indonesia.

The program charts are not a little hypnotic many viewers at home or in the studio is DAHSYAT. This program is not only preferred by young people and even not a few parents and children. Dahsyat is a three host splashy presented by Rafi Ahmad, Luna Maya (replaced by Jessica Iskandar and Ola Ramlan) and Olga Syaputra being addressed with the title of this powerful trio became the main attraction for the audience. Behavior ignorant, silly and exciting action of this powerful trio has been a powerful image program. Even the guest stars and the studio audience is often the object of this ignorance of the three presenters for making the event more festive and fun. The program had previously been doing a lot of turn of the presenter, but after the arrival of this powerful trio Dahsyat became one of favorite shows in the morning.

Another thing with the program charts is INBOX. The program is also aired in the morning did not dampen the hearts of viewers at home or in the studio. INBOX much preferred by teenagers, particularly teenage girls are more dominant. Among the many women who have directly witnessed or electronic media could not be separated from the presence of the presenter, the presenter of this event. INBOX often presented by artists such as Andika Pratama handsome and cute behavior Ivory Martin and Ivan Gunawan and Andara Early this was the main attraction for teens. After doing a lot of metamorphosis, INBOX got a new formula to entertain viewers' hearts. Formulas that are served by this program is to display the groups music comedy Teamlo thus adding excitement of the event.

In addition to programs or events of the charts, there are many programs of the charts with a splashy and cool presenters who have been hypnotized many viewers might also are you one of them.

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Restsindo - hty said... @ January 20, 2012 at 7:57 AM

Absolutely I am also a fan of music including the music. Inbox - Powerful is a terrible and MTV music entertainment TV programs. Musicians young musicians are also featured in the event.
Although the development of music in Indonesia is so rapid but impressed easily lost. 1-2 weeks it is good and can last no longer than 1 month. Why are different from the music tempo music that impression and authority exist to this day. It is also to be found by young musicians Indonesia.

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