August 27, 2011

August 27, 2011
Payingpost aka Blogadvertisingstore is a Scam? Remove Post Links!
Wayoi.Com - Right now I want to tell you that I have removed all links in every posting that requested by a scam program review. I think more than two years waiting for payment is enough to ensure will I to be paid or not. Many bloggers also spread out about the same story. Yah.. it is Payingpost aka Blogadvertisingstore.

As I mentioned above, I have removed all links and a post about them self. I will not desire to be paid anymore. This is aconsequence of a decision to fight a scam. Hope in the future no scammer comes and looks an opportunity again from a honest blogger like me :)

So, why I didn't remove all of post that contains their links. It because a post is useful for a blogger. Removing the links is the best way instead removing the post. I just need to open and edit each post and remove the link easily and in simple way. If you believe Payingpost aka Blogadvertisingstore is a scam, I thing this way is good for you without delete your post.

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August 01, 2011

Music Charts Program in Indonesia
Wayoi.Com - In addition to comedy programs in Indonesia, other programs are also vying to attract the attention of viewers is a program in the country charts. Programs that entertain swathe through music and rows of the songs in this country receive much appreciation, especially among young viewers. The main attraction in this program is the presence of a presenter who can make a fun and festive event. Here are the charts and presenters program that stole the attention of viewers in the studio and at home.

The program charts or music that is most loved by teens is MTV-IMPACT. In this program, loyal audience often called "anak nongkrong" is very familiar for the teens in Indonesia. Programs that adopt overseas events with the same program name has long been in the music industry across Indonesia. MTV VJ IMPACT is presented by the results of a talent show emcee in Indonesia. The VJ is a presenter of the program is Daniel, Rianti, Ben, Hanna, Mike, Marissa, VJ Risky and many others. The VJ is often performed together with the style and action silly and always entertaining the kids hanging in Indonesia.

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