Young Married Trend ~ Wayoi! - Because We Are Interested
Wayoi! - Because We Are Interested: Young Married Trend

August 19, 2010

Wayoi.Com - Lately, a young married trend rife again. Usually the young married is only done by the traditional society. For women who live in traditional communities think about what for more higher school when everything just to take care of the family at home. But not for a men, even though they young married, they still have to make a living for a family that will lived.

Currently young married starting to be a trend of young people in the modern communities but sometimes there's an awkwardness when someone wants to married in young age. For women who just finished school and immediately married might change drastically the pattern of life that will be lived. Although not all women feel the different life directly from their daily life during the bachelor, but most likely is the pattern of thoughts and habits of life could be different.

Their lives are always joking laugh, play with friends as old as them and learn new life will change when it became a housewife and did not continue their education to pursue higher degrees. This situation of course very unfortunate. Especially if the woman has not been able to do anything, he will feel much different living habits. Perhaps there is also a husband to allow his wife to continue her schooling, but of course housework must be done every day by these women. But today it seems rare that a student can take care of the household as well.

Unlike in rural areas, they may be accustomed to the pattern of young married life. They already know how to take care of a household. But not all teenagers can instantly understand rural household. However, it all was how they each response, if they intend to marry the young would also be ready with the risk that will be faced. Not only material, but also must be ready mentally, spiritually and materially.

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blue said... @ September 17, 2010 at 3:09 PM

I agree that the tendency a young married trend rife again.
excuse me friend...wanna exchange link?

health news online said... @ December 14, 2010 at 10:51 AM

I think lot of people get young merried today, it like becomes trend

budiawanhutasoit said... @ December 25, 2010 at 9:55 PM

in big cities, in fact many who marry late..

Asian Cinema said... @ April 26, 2011 at 1:46 PM

mantap bana..
berkunjung saja

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