Economic Crisis and Bank Rescue Measures ~ Wayoi! - Because We Are Interested
Wayoi! - Because We Are Interested: Economic Crisis and Bank Rescue Measures

February 14, 2012

Economic Crisis and Bank Rescue Measures
The economic crisis that hit several countries in recent years has led to the economic potential of bankruptcy. One cause is the economic collapse economic crisis affecting economic activity, one of which banking financial services. Some countries, many banks are forced to be merged, closed or suspended operations due to the inability of the bank in the management and operation. Whereas the number of banking and other conveniences provided by the government has a lot.

One cause of the closure of banking operations by the government is the amount of foreign loans over three times and due to the exchange rate of the domestic currency against foreign currencies has increased and uncontrolled. In addition, loans made ​​by banks to the industry that has a special relationship with the bank, or in other words the bank has a conflict of interest in determining the loan recipient. Related lending, corruption, collusion and nepotism not only done by private banks, but also by state banks. Only, in practice the government banks are more likely to be distinguished by the private banking activities.

To rescue the bank, the merger through the issuance of government bonds to raise the bank capital. The incorporation of a bank merger also means the entire financial statements, reducing the number of branch offices and human resources. But on the bright side, the opportunity to bank customers in the borrowing will be met by the bank because the bank had a capital adequacy to be lent. Merging banks in some countries is an example that the bank merger results will be healthier and more advanced than the previous one.

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